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Luis Sámano Oral History, 2003

Luis Sámano discusses his immigration from Mexico, his studies at LCC, and teaching in the Rites of Passage project. He is the father of Michael Sámano and Debra Sámano Hopper.

Interview on July 23, 2003 by Kristen Wilson.

65 minutes.


Kristen Wilson:  My name is Kristen Wilson and this is July 23, 2003, and I’m talking with Luis Sámano for the Sámano family oral history project. Could you give me your full name with spelling?

Luis Sámano:  Yeah. My name is José Luis Sámano. j-o-s-e for José, l-u-i-s for Luis, s-a-m-a-n-o for Sámano. 

KW:  And how are you related to Michael Sámano?

LS:  Michael Sámano is my son.

KW:  Before we discuss your experiences with Lane Community College can you tell me something about yourself? Like, where and when you were born?

LS:  I was born in Mexico. I grew up in Mexico. I move to United States when I was 23 years old. And I been here since then. I’m the only one in my family they have come up north. That the rest of all my family is still in Mexico, except some my nieces they decide to come up here and visit me. And they, they like the country and stay here.

KW:    Can you tell me, if you don’t mind me asking, the date that you were born and where in Mexico you were born?

LS:     I was born in a small town, the name, Irapuato, it’s from the state of Guanajuato.

KW:    Is that I-r-a-p-u-a-t-o?

LS:     Yeah.

KW:    And the date?

LS:     1939.

KW:    Could you give me your exact birthday?

LS:     I’m 64 years old right now. Oh, you mean the day when I born? March 26, ‘39.                                                                                                                       [040 - 2:00]

KW:    Thank you. Can you tell me some more about your childhood?

LS:     It was ups and downs. I, we was living in the small town of Irapuato. And my dad pass away when I was four years old. So my mom was forced to raise seven kids. When we, when my dad was alive course everything was great because he was a hard working man. And, and our life was very comfortable. But when he pass away, it was a real hardship for us, because we didn’t know where our next meal would, would come from. And so one of my oldest brother went to Mexico City, because of the godparents was there and, and he told us that, that if we could move to Mexico City then maybe we can have a little better life, because  he was plan to buy a grocery store.  So he asked my mom if she could please when my dad die he left two properties and so what he want is for us to sell the properties in Irapuato and use that money to buy a grocery store in Mexico City. 

KW:    Mm-hmm.

LS:     So we, my mom, just pick us all right up and put us in the train and here we went to Mexico City. And it was a little experience for me because we have never have been in a big city. You know, where everything was just  more a little bit faster than we was used to in the little town. But at Mexico City, you know, we got in there at Mexico City, and we, one of our aunts took us all in. They was having a big family and we was having a big family. But we all got along alright, for a short time in there. 

KW:    How long did you, did you  stay with your, is it your aunt?

LS:     Yeah, yeah. My aunt, we stay with my aunt for maybe six months. And then we finally got little, a little  room across the street. That, just a one, one  room.  And we make a little deck up on top of the room so the men, the boys, we can sleep upstairs. And, they, my sister and my mom . I got two sisters and four, five brothers. So we all sleep upstairs, and then my mom and my sisters sleep downstairs.

KW:    Can you tell me your mother and father’s names?                                               [4:25]

LS:      My dad’s name was Isidro Sámano. And my mom, María Luisa Manríquez.

KW:    And can you tell me the names of your brothers and sisters, please, in the order that they were born from oldest to youngest?

LS:     The oldest brother that I have, his name is Isidro. And then my, then it’s a sister and the name is Josefina. And then, then they follow and it’s Antonio. And then María Elena. And then myself, José Luis. And my two younger brothers, it’s Roberto and Augustín.

KW:    How wide of an age difference is there from the oldest to youngest?

LS:      I think we go like maybe from maybe about two years, to a little bit two years. 

KW:    Two years between--

LS:     In between us.

KW:     --each child?

KW:    Okay, so–so, Isidro is about twelve years older than Augustín?

LS:     Yeah, I would say, yeah, yeah. 

KW:    And Augustín is your brother that came to the states for one year? To Eugene?

LS:     Yeah, yeah. He come over and here to stay with me. As a matter of fact, Augustín, that he born six months after my dad died. So he really never knew my dad, and...

KW:    What kind of work did your father do?

LS:     My dad used to work for a, a, like a, a big warehouse. Where he used to go and pick up a lot of products from Mexico City. Bring them into a little town of Irapuato. And that’s...his job was driving a big truck, and come back and forth.

KW:    About how many people lived in Irapuato? What was the population, more or less?

LS:     Now?

KW:    When you, when you were a child.

LS:     Oh, when we, when was child like maybe 20,000. That’s including the little, little farms surrounding.

KW:     Do you have, I don’t know, do you have an idea of what the population of Mexico City was at that time?

LS:     I would say pretty close to, maybe half a million people.

KW:    So, you lived in Mexico City. And what happened after you moved to the one bedroom place with your family?

LS:     Well we, we stayed there until we started, all of us, we started to work on the, the grocery store that we, that my mom bought. And we all started to be, you know, growing up pretty fast because we started to , everybody from my brother Isidro to Josefina and Antonio and myself, we started to work in the grocery, the grocery store, so we all started to work seven days a week, ten hours a day.  And then started to, we started to be pretty well, at least, financially, more stable on.

KW:    How old were you when you started working at the store?

LS:     When I started working the store I was ten, eleven years old. And that’s what make responsible for part of the family type of--

KW:    Yeah.

LS:     --support.

KW:    Were you able to go to school?

LS:     Yeah, in Mexico, we was, of course, the schooLS: were over there where they have two shifts: morning and, and afternoons. And I was able to go in the afternoon to, to school.

KW:    So, can you please describe what happened from, say, when you were ten or eleven until you came to the US, ‘cause I, I don’t know anything about that period.

LS:     On, the time I spend in...I got, of course, from, I got, we went to Mexico when I was about six or seven years old.

KW:    To Mexico City?

LS:     Yeah. All my childhood was right there on, on...I was raised in Mexico City. And it was a lot of fun. I mean, I have, you know, have a lot of friends that we have, we used to go and have soccer teams to, we go and, and  play together.  And we was, In Mexico City, it was pretty much like you stick in your own barrio, your own street. On that thing and there. And so I, part of it, that, I was really, be real upsets because we started  play a game but then I had to look my time. Then I had to got the store or I had to go to school. So my time it was a little bit less time than a lot of my friends that they, they of course spend more time in there. So it was a little bit hardship because it was, you know, that I wasn’t having enough time to really growing slowly. But I had to grow up pretty fast. But it was my mom and we accustom, was just to go ahead,  was doing better and we move to an apartment where we can all  and we, at least the mens had their own rooms. And, and I continue going to school and, and having a good time, you know, growing, still happy. And that thing. We was having all, at least what we could afford to buy. It was much, much better than when was in the little town of Irapuato. And so I finish my sixth grade and then I went to the secundaria, they that means the middle, middle school. And then I went to the  preparatoria, that means finishing the high schooLS:.  And but, by that time, of course, I started, the fact that I was starting getting one of the oldest in the family. I started having more responsibility to have more time in the store, to help a little bit more financially with  helping the family. So, I started have a little more trouble trying keep up with the school and the work. And eventually got to the point where I couldn’t go to school no more and I had to drop out. So I, my, I only have like about one quarter of the start at the university. And I had to get up and I couldn’t keep up with the, the study, too.

KW:    Are you saying you,  that you did a fourth of the work you would need to go to the university, or a fourth of the work that you were going to do at the university?

LS:     Well, what I, you know, you had to have so many classes, and each class you had to have certain grades and I couldn’t keep up with a lot. On, that, with that. 

KW:    In, in the, in the  preparatoria which is like high school?

LS:     Right.

KW:    So, you didn’t, didn’t go to university because you were busy in the store?

LS:     Well I, I was busy in the store because we, what I, what they, what they, the way I was working out this, I, I go to school and soon as a got out of school then I have to go to  work. When I started in the preparatoria I started going like real early in the morning, started seven o’clock in the morning  and then we finish at four o’clock and then I had to go to the store and then have to get home and then at night be at the store until ten, eleven o’clock at night. So I didn’t have any time to keep up really any homework or studies and that thing and there.

KW:    I understand what you’re saying about only 24 hours in a day. My question is, did you, did you finish the high school?

LS:     The--

KW:    Or the equivalent?

LS:     The equivalent--

KW:    Yes

LS:     -- to high school, I finished.

KW:    And then you started the University?

LS:     Yeah, that’s when I found out I couldn’t keep up with the–

KW:    Yeah. How old were you when you, when you stopped going to school?

LS:     I think I was like about 17 or 18. In course in those times, you know,  my mom was thinking that, hey, you get the, you get the sixth grade,  you’re supposed to go and get your career up, when you are, you’re all over. And I tried to go ahead myself, and I was one of the, the one that time in the family that went the farthest that I could go to school. Because the rest of them they just finished like sixth grade or seventh grade and that was it for them.  And they, they  resent a little bit more the fact I wanted to keep going to school. On that thing and there.

KW:    Were you the only one of your brothers and sisters to continue after the sixth or seventh grade? 

LS:     Right, right. On that thing and there.

KW:    And you said that at that time you were one of the oldest. Had your other brothers and sisters left home then?

LS:     My oldest brother, you know, he,  he got married and he didn’t have, he didn’t want anything to do with the store. Then it came down to the second oldest brother, the Antonio and he felt like that he just couldn’t keep up, you know, by himself So then it end up that me and my sister Josefina was the ones that got to go and relieve him all the time and help him up, to keep up with the, out with the store.

KW:    Did your mother work in the store that your family owned?

LS:     No. No, my mom never worked. She never worked in the store. She just stayed at home taking care of the chores.  And keep us in line anyway.

KW:    Seven children.

LS:     Yeah.

KW:     Please tell me more. What did, what  happened next?

LS:     I, I didn’t really care too much about, about working in the store because I knew how, how bad it was on it. So my, my cousin asked me if I ever wanted  be a mechanic. And I didn’t really know what really what I want to do, because my ambition was to be a, a mechanic engineer. That’s what I was trying to, hoping that I can go accomplish. He invite me over, he used to work in a GM dealer in Mexico. So he invite me over to find out, see if I can, if I would like it. So when I told her I want to go ahead and do mechanic work, she just didn’t care too much for that. Because, who will help in the grocery store. So anyway, being a (unintelligible), I wanna go ahead and do something different. I went to see my cousin and they look me and they ask if I want to go ahead and help as, work as a helper, you know, help the mechanic, do this thing. So I keep on going to, going to  the store. But every time, the chance I get, I went to the shop to see if I, what was on it. Well, eventually  they told me that if I want full-time work in there, I was welcome to go ahead and stay there. I tell my mom this is what I want to do. Of course it was a big disappointment to the whole family. Because now, who will go to the, to the grocery store? But that, but then my brother Roberto started to come up where they started to bring him in a little bit too, into the responsibility. On that thing and there. I broke away from the store and I started to work as, as a mechanic. You know, learn little by little how to be a mechanic. And that’s--

KW:    Because of your cousin?

LS:     Yeah. Because of my cousin.

KW:    And what was your cousin’s name?

LS:     Juan. 

KW:    Juan...?

LS:     Mares. 

KW:    M-a-r-e-s?

LS:     Yeah.

KW:    ALS:o in Mexico City?

LS:     Right. Yeah. So, I worked in, I started in that place. And course I, the owner, he was really, for some reason he really thought that I can make a good mechanic. So he start to send me to the GM classes in Mexico to the General Motors in Mexico. And my cousin he then, he quit that dealership and he come to the United States. And he was here for about a year and he wrote me to say that if I would like to come up here and to United States. And when I went and told my mom, that, you know, of course my mom, she was always dreaming about one of us coming up, coming here up north. She decided that be maybe the nice thing, to come is to see what it would be like over here. So I took the bus from Mexico City to Tijuana. And, and my cousin picked me up and brought me to LA. And he was having a friend here in, in Alvadore. So he decided he would like to come and visit those friends if, if , you know, if I would like to come with him. I thought well, I was here in the United States. I, what can I do? So he, we decide  to come up north. And  from LA to Alvadore it took in about three days. And, and after I, you know, now I know where is Alvadore and where is Los Angeles. And it’s only take me like you know maybe a day. It take us three days in driving. I realize that what happened is that he didn’t know how to read the maps. So that’s the reason why we--So we was zigzagging from I-5 to 101, back and forth. Now I look at it back and I can see why it take us three days to come up. You know, of course in that time, being me 24 years old, I’m thinking, wow, this place is pretty far away from where California was. And you know in Mexico we never heard about, you know, Oregon or Washington or, you know... we got an idea bout the states, but not where that located and 

KW:    Did you hear mostly about states that had borders with Mexico? 

LS:     Yeah, yeah. 

KW:    That makes sense.

LS:     Like I say we hear a lot about California and Texas, you know. But outside that, you know, we don’t...

KW:    Right. Did you stay for in LA for a while before you came to Alvadore, Oregon? 

LS:     We, was just stay in Los Angeles for about a month or so, he, he just then, was just about ready to moved. 

KW:    Did you, did you work in LA...or...?

LS:     No.

KW:    No.

LS:     No.

KW:    So, what happened next?

LS:     Well, we come up here north and we come and,  and find my cousin’s friends here in, in Alvadore. And he look for some work around. And he couldn’t find no work here in Eugene. And of course you know back then it  was no Hispanic people in Eugene. It was all white people.  So they, they told him that maybe Portland would be more, more, you know, more apt to find work. So we stayed here in Alvadore for about a week and a half. And then we, we went to Portland. 

KW:    Do you remember the name of his  friends you stayed with, visited–were--?

LS:     Yeah. The Berg family. 

KW:    B-u-r-k-e.

LS:     B-e-r-g. 

KW:    B-e-r-g. Okay.

LS:     The Bergs.

KW:    Okay, okay. So, you went to Portland.

LS:     Right. We went to Portland. But prior, before that, I met one of my cousin’s friend’s niece, Nancy. And we stayed there just we left went to Portland. And, and we got to Portland and, and of  course it was that little bit bigger city than here in  Eugene. And my cousin did went find work in one Volkswagen dealership. And he started working there and he asked,  after two weeks working there he asked the owner if he would give some work in there. And he say if, you know, if I didn’t mind to go, just go in and wash the Volkswagens in there. So I clean ‘em up you know, after they work on it, I clean ‘em up. And my cousin always told him that I was a mechanic. But I didn’t have too much about, experience about with Volkswagen. Because it was mostly my work with the Buick de–, cars. So I stay there with him for about two months. But I was always real scared about because I didn’t have no papers or anything. Anybody that come to talk to me, I thought was an imm, somebody from the immigration. So I told him that I, you know, I just want to go back to Mexico. So he put me in the bus. And I went back, back to Mexico.

KW:    The woman that you met, was that Nancy Berg? Was that the last name?

LS:     Right. Right. Yes. So when I got to,  back to Mexico, you know, I went back to work for the dealership that I was working before, and Nancy started to write me up, you know, me these love letters and how much she miss me and all these things even though we just met a little bit. On that thing and there. And my cousin started to write me, too, to ask me if I wanted to come back. The, the owner from the dealership, they like for me to come back again. And there were, there were a lot of shortage of mechanics. And so they were importing a lot of people. They, people who was working at the dealership Volkswagen, they was mostly Germans. So I, it was a lot of fun because when I was over there, you know, me and my cousin we can speak Spanish. And those, all the Germans,  they speak their Germans. But they, we got a soccer with them. We got a team going. And that thing and there. So that’s how we got really close  together, you know. You know, they, so the Germans, they wanted for me to come back, too. Somehow I was pretty decent playing soccer. And so the owner, they told my cousin that if he, if I would like to come over here, he would be glad to sponsor  me. And back then any, anybody who had any kind of skilLS:, they was really needed on it. So, somehow I figure out, well, I better go ahead and just check with the embassy and see what they will say. So, I, I put my papers, my, and it took me six months. But then they, they called me back and they say that if I, you know, if I can go, want to come and work on that place, because I was having all these recommendations. And the people who owns that dealership was trying to sponsor me and what they need is to have, you know, to say, okay, you have work in the United States and you have somebody to support you. Well, the Bergs, they  started to send me, too,  letters of support to say, yeah if he comes to the United States, yes, we will, you know, support him. I submit all those papers. Then the he embassy give me permanent resident to come back to the United States.  I got that, they call them the green card, I guess.

KW:    Right. Did you feel better?

LS:     It made me a little bit more confidence that I can go ahead and do this thing. And you know, after you visit a place then somehow , again, you like one place but then if you don’t know if,  if you can leave your other place. So I come back, I came back again and I went back over there  and worked with my cousin , and I stay there for about six months. And I decide to come back and visit again the family Berg. Well that was when me and Nancy got a little bit more closer together. And she was going to school and they told me that if I, if I would like to stay here with them, that they be glad to have me here. And I look for a place to work and find a place right away through  the Buick dealer. In those time there was not too many people who know how to work on those automatic transmissions. And that’s what, what my, my skilLS: was. That’s what I started to work, even though I didn’t know how to order parts, you know, how to really to,  talk to people. You know, what I want. So they, what I did, just go ahead and hire me and they bring me the parts and I just go ahead and do, do  the work. On that thing and there.

KW:    You knew the machinery.

LS:     Right.

KW:    Now, when you said you were working at the VW dealership, you said for 3 months when you were first there?

LS:     Right, right.

KW:    Were you only washing cars the whole time? 

LS:     Right, right.

KW:    But they still wanted you to come back.

LS:     Because they knew, they knew  the kind of skilLS: that I was having. And of course my cousin got a little more established in there. And whenever, you know,  I didn’t have nothing I had to wash, or when I didn’t have any work, I used to go ahead into the shop and go and help the mechanics. And they knew that I was having the knowledge. Even though I wasn’t an expertise in that vehicle. But I knew the knowledge, how the engine works.(Unintelligible.)

KW:    What is the name of the, let’s see... the, the Bergs who were the friends of your cousin, Juan Mares?

LS:     The names? 

KW:    Yes.

LS:     The, well the, the  two young people it was one Carolyn, Carolyn...

KW:    Carolyn?

LS:     Yeah. And Don, and their mom and dad, it was Willard and Evelyn.

KW:    Berg?

LS:     Yeah. Berg. Yeah.

KW:    And, okay, you said that Nancy was the cousin’s niece? No?

LS:     Well, that was the cousins of, of Don and Carolyn. 

KW:    Right?

LS:     And they was Willard, Evelyn’s niece.


LS:     Willard and Evelyn’s niece. And she was staying with them. 

KW:    Nancy was staying with Willard and Evelyn. And, her par-- who were her parents? What were their names?

LS:     Stewart. And her mom just passed away, her name was Olive. And the reason why she was in there because of her mother passed away not too long. So she stayed there with them.

KW:    When she was twenty or something?

LS:     No, she was only 17, at least when I, when I met her.

KW:    And how old were you when you met her?

LS:     Twenty, twenty-two. Yeah, we are like about five years difference.

KW:    Okay. So you came to Eugene, and got a job at the...

LS:     Buick dealer.

KW:    Buick dealer?

LS:     Right.

KW:     And you stayed with Willard and Evelyn Berg?

LS:     No...I...

KW:     You stayed with Carolyn and Don Berg?

LS:     No, I, I, well, the second time when I come up, when I got the, the, I got own apartment. It was just a little, little  apartment by the University of Oregon.

KW:    What year was that?

LS:     That was back in 1963. 63, 64. Some place in there. 

KW:    When did you and Nancy marry?

LS:     Me and Nancy marry in 1964. 

KW:    And what was the date?

LS:     It was something the summertime.

KW:    Okay. If you could just keep telling your story, it’s, it’s all very, very helpful.

LS:     Okay. I, of course,  you know I come into this town and get in work. But don’t know how to speak the language. On that thing and there. I started looking to see where can I  take some classes. So, try to go ahead and how can I get some kind of help. And that’s how the first time I got acquainted with LCC.  They were having classes for foreign people at South Eugene. 

KW:    At South Eugene High School?

LS:     Yeah. South Eugene High School. And it was the, the class that I , I took English. It was just, how to,  you know, how to speak, on, on. And all was mostly the people that was in that class was people from Denmark and Norway and France, it was just mostly. I was the only Hispanic person back then. Matter of fact, I think I was the only Hispanic person in this town, because I feel so strange around by myself on it. So I took those, that classes in there  for about two years I go, we go in the night. Of course it was from six to nine, three hours a night. But it was a lot of fun. I had, I met a lot of real neat people. They always cook and they bring little specialities from Denmark and Norway. And of course, you know, for me being by myself on it. I had to, I was really welcome to have that, that food. Then they asked me if, if I want to take some citizenship classes. And I think was sponsored too by LCC.  And they was having that class at, at South Eugene. So I took the citizenship classes, too. And I knew that they were a school, a tech, a vocational school at 200 North Monroe and that’s where LCC was started up, on that thing and there. And it was just a  big room like a big warehouse.  And they, I took some mechanic classes  in there. They was, this is, and this, where the campus is right now, it was just an open field. I remember I used to come over here and we did some hunting around this area. There was nothing, nothing here.

KW:    So, you used to hunt here.

LS:     Yeah. I just to hunt all this area right here. There was nothing but little, some little homesteads here and there. But it was (unintelligible) wide open (unintelligible) I think in the year.

KW:    Can I ask you a couple of questions about the class you took--

LS:     Sure.

KW:    Okay, the English classes you took for three hours a night, how many nights a week did you go to those?

LS:     Well, it was quite a bit like about two months on that thing and there. 

KW:    How, how many nights per week?

LS:     It was every night.

KW:    Every night?

LS:     Every night.

KW:    Wow. Do you remember any particular teachers or staff?

LS:     I, no, I don’t remember, you know.  I know I remember some of the people that I took the classes with, because of course we got more acquainted than know. Back then I really didn’t have too much knowledge about the teachers. Maybe I have some papers where I, you know, where I can look at it.

KW:    I just want to see what stays in your memory about--

LS:     Right, yeah. I know they were really neat, the teachers, very friendly. And that’s one of the things that I have noticed that every time that I have take a class through LCC. It’s always been a really good experience on it. 

KW:    What year did you take the citizenship classes?

LS:     I believe, I think about ‘65 or ‘66. Something, something in that area. But I can’t remember exactly what year. 

KW:    And, did you, did you later become a, a citizen? 

LS:     Yeah.

KW:    A U.S. citizen?

LS:     Yeah, right after we finished the classes. We all took our citizenship. Matter of fact, there was a lot of, of the same people that I was taking English classes that they became citizens too.

KW:    Are you aLS:o a citizen of Mexico?

LS:      I, about a year ago, me and my son decided , they would have, for the first time they opened that thing where we was able to be, get a dual citizenship. And me and my son went over there and got a dual citizenship at Portland.

KW:    In Portland.

LS:     Yeah. Yeah, before we didn’t have that, we didn’t have that,  opportunity to get a dual citizenship.

KW:    So you and Michael both are dual citizens. How do you do that?

LS:     Well the, for the first time, of course, like I say, well Mexico pass that law where we can get a, get dual citizenship. Before we didn’t have that opportunity. And Michael went and tried to do himself and he really couldn’t do it without having, having  all these papers, on that thing and there. Both of us go over there and we got all the papers we could to prove that I was a Mexican citizen before I became an American citizen. And through me then he was able to go ahead and get that paper too. 

KW:    Tell me about your decision to give up your Mexican citizenship and become a U.S. Citizen.

LS:      Well, partially was because I was really anxious to vote for, to you know, whatever I, I believe on it. And, and  that was the only, the only way that I could have done thing.

KW:    Was it in any way a difficult decision?

LS:     No, no because I knew that I , I want to be here. I, I  was already marry and having Michael came up pretty, pretty fast. On that thing and there. So I knew that I was plan to stay here for some time. 

KW:    So, you have a son, Michael. And, can you tell me about your other children?

LS:     Yeah. And I have a daughter, the name Debbie. And that’s with my first wife. And, I got sep-, got sep-,  we got separated and I got, and I remarry.

KW:    What year were you separated? 

LS:     Boy, I don’t really remember that year. I know it’s been about 18 years.

KW:    18, After 18 years of marriage? So, 1964...

LS:     Yeah.

KW:    So...

LS:     ‘82.

KW:    ‘82?

LS:     ‘84. Something in there. 

KW:    Go ahead.

LS:     Then I remarry and the lady, the, the lady  who I marry, her name is Ema, Ema Perez. She was having little, little girl, one and a half year old. So I raised her and she consider me like her real dad. 

KW:    And what is her name?

LS:     Her name is Consuela.

KW:    I know that you studied at, at  Lane to learn English– 

LS:     Mm-hmm.

KW:    --and then aLS:o for citizenship classes. 

LS:     Mm-hmm.

KW:    Did you go to Lane after that?

LS:     Yeah, yeah I knew that I need to have more mechanic class because of the advancing in the technologic on the vehicles on. So, whenever I got a chance, I started take evening classes to sharpen my skilLS: as a mechanic. At, that was, the first time that I took the mechanic classes, I took it over there on four...200 North Monroe. 

KW:    Mm-hmm. Did you ever attend any classes at the downtown center, or here at the main campus?

LS:     Yeah, as, as I, you know,  keep going on, on, on my work on it, and every time that I need any kind of special skilLS:, I came up and look at LCC. And I come up and I took welding classes here at, at the main campus. Then I change work and it was some requirement for me to know a little bit about  small engines, how to repair small engines, so I came back again and I took class here to the main campus at, in here. I went and, and get some property and  I wanna know what the legal part about owning a, a property.

KW:    A rental property?

LS:      Yeah, a rental property. So I, I took some property management at Willamette High School. 

KW:    Is that one of the outreach centers for LCC?

LS:     Right, right. And then I , I started work for the school district. I, I knew that, that my chances to be, the fact that I was having pretty good training as a mechanic, that I want to go ahead and be advance into the management position. So I look through LCC and they were having all these series of management classes to deal with personnel and all these things and so I, I took these management classes at downtown, in the downtown center. And as I, I keep continuing to look at more classes at LCC. And I went and took house repair so I can be my own, do my own repairing at, at the property that I, that I own. And my latest class that I just, I just took last year is just how to, how to, work on, you know, how the computer. At least how, how to use a computer, at least how to move the mouse around.

KW:    Is that a computer literacy class?

LS:      How to use the computer. At least how to turn the computer on. And I just took that class last year at Willamette High School, one of the outreach schooLS:.

KW:    Now, when you, do you know approximately the year that you took the welding classes?

LS:      I don’t really quite remember. And I think was, I know...was, no–

KW:    The 70s?

LS:     the ‘70-s. The late, late ‘70s. 

KW:    This was when the main campus was pretty new?

LS:     Yeah, yeah, that was pretty new, place in here. 

KW:    And then the small engines?

LS:     Engines, it’s about the same thing, too. It was still pretty new of course. Of course, the small engines, it’s been like about 18 years ago, when I take those classes. 

KW:    And what about the property management classes?

LS:     That I, that’s late, like in the ‘80s. Late ‘80s, beginning ‘90s, that’s when.

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