Librarians by Subject
As the Library's liaisons to disciplines and programs, librarians can help in a variety of ways:
- provide an avenue for recommending new books, videos, and other resources
- assist faculty in identifying and evaluating resources for their courses -- now part of the approval process for new courses and curriculum
- collaborate with faculty to develop assignments using specific resources
- depending on the assignment, we can assist faculty with specialized individual research, such as bibliographies and interlibrary loans
- collaborate with programs to meet the research learning outcomes of professional technical degrees and certification programs
- help students with subject-specific research and consultation
Advanced Technology
- Auto Technology
- Aviation
- Construction and Drafting
- Electronics and Mechanical Technology
- Fabrication and Welding
- Manufacturing
Art and Applied Design
- Architecture and Landscape Design
- Art and Art History
- Multimedia and Graphic Design
- Photography
- Accounting
- Administration
- Business Management
Computer Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Information Systems
- Simulation and Game Development
- Cooking and Hospitality
- Hospitality Management
Health and Physical Education
- Consumer Health
- Physical Education and Fitness
Health Professions
- Dentistry
- Emergency Medicine (EMT) and Paramedic
- Health Information and Medical Office
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Physical Therapy
- Respiratory Care
Language, Literature, and Communication
- Literature
- Mass Media and Film
- Children's Literature
- Speech and Communication
- Writing and Composition
- Foreign Languages
Learning Communities
- Cooperative Education
- Academic Learning Skills
- Counseling and Career Development
- Adult Basic & Secondary Education (ABSE)
- Veterans
- College Now
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- High School Connections
- International Programs
- Study Skills and College Prep
- Tutoring
- Biology and Microbiology
- Astronomy
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Zoology
- Earth and Environmental Science
- Physics
- Energy Management
- Wildland Fire Management
- Anatomy and Physiology
Social Science
- Anthropology and Archaeology
- Philosophy and Religion
- Criminal Justice and Law
- Women's Studies
- Early Childhood Education
- Human Services
- American Indians
- Political Science
- Economics
- Psychology
- Ethnic Studies
- Sociology
- Geography and GIS
- History