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Printing, Wifi & Computers

Free wifi is available across the Lane campus.

How to Print

1.  Send your print job through one of the two methods:

From a library computer, send your print by selecting "LibraryPrinters" OR from your device go to

2. Login on the printer using your L# and ExpressLane/myLane password

3. Select “Print Release” from the menu

Select Print Release screenshot

4. Select the print job(s) you want to print

Make sure to select the settings you need, such as grayscale or 2-sided

Screenshot showing how to select or check the box next to the job you are releasing.

5. Press the green “Print” button at the bottom right to release your print(s). 


Ask for assistance at the Student Help Desk located near the library entrance.

Computers and Software

The Library has 10 Macintosh and 30 Windows computers located on the main floor. Computers cannot be reserved, but have high availability.

Login via L# or employee username, L88888888 for community members (no printing)

Installed Software

Laptop/Chromebook Checkout

A limited number of laptops and Chromebooks are available to check out at the beginning of each term. Learn more at the Student Help Desk page.