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Library Instruction Request
Hello, and thank you for your interest in information literacy and research skill-building! Please complete this form and a Lane librarian will reply by email within 2 business days.
Your request is not confirmed until we reply with availability and options for your students.
Instructor's Name
LCC Email Address
Course or Group
Number of Students
Library Integration Type
Librarian introduction in your course (10 minutes; in-person, Zoom or pre-recorded video)
Quick introduction of a librarian to your students for the purpose of fostering familiarity with and comfort reaching out to library staff.
Library instruction session (30 minutes to 1+ hours depending on request; in person or Zoom)
Live teaching session focused on research skill-building topics, such as: brain-storming/concept mapping, finding sources, developing keywords, or evaluating sources. Please schedule your session to correspond with a specific assignment.
Create a video or slide deck (
video examples
slide deck examples
Collaborate with a librarian to develop a video or mini-lesson in slide deck format covering your assignment, discipline, or a specific database.
Create a research guide (
Collaborate with a librarian to create a webpage outlining the available research resources for your assignment, course, or discipline.
Develop a Research Toolkit activity (for Moodle course/syllabus)
The Research Toolkit provides an overview of the library research process. Work with a librarian to incorporate a portion of the Research Toolkit into an assignment for your course.
Embed a librarian in your course
An embedded librarian can offer regular drop-in sessions during or outside of class times, plus activities that suit your course needs such as citation workshops, brainstorming sessions, creating worksheets/activities, and/or any of the options above.
Develop a library research assignment
Work with a librarian to develop a research assignment that incorporates information literacy goals.
Other ideas?
Let’s talk! (
library liaisons by discipline
Preferred date and time of session
Library Classroom (CEN 234)
Your Classroom (please provide classroom number below)
Zoom (please provide Zoom URL below)
Location Details
Request a specific librarian
Jen Ferro
David Doctor
Claire Dannenbaum
No Preference
Tell us more about the session, suggested topics, areas of focus, etc.
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