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Job Title
Reference & Instruction Librarian
Office Phone
Responsibilities include reference services for students and other library users.
Services for Faculty
The faculty librarians serve as liaisons to all of the academic departments at Lane. In this capacity, we can provide specialized services designed to meet the needs of our faculty. Specialized bibliographic instruction, bibliographies, class presentations and handouts are just a few of the services that we can offer. Please contact me if you would like more information or if you would like to request a particular activity.
SAGA Committee
The Success and Goal Attainment Committee (SAGA) is a group of staff and faculty from many departments at Lane with the focus of improving student success. SAGA works to:
- determine criteria and target areas for success and retention efforts through an inclusive process and consistent with the College's mission and goals
- understand barriers to success and retention from both a student point of view and a faculty/staff point of view
- glean best practices from the literature on student success, retention, and related areas
- coordinate success and retention efforts that are guided by informed vision
- bring data into the developmental and decision-making processes related to success and retention
- establish the extent of college-wide and community involvement in success and retention efforts
- identify resources that are critical in moving success and retention efforts forward