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What is NoodleTools?

NoodleTools helps you create citations and format papers in MLA or APA style. Create an account to access NoodleTools from anywhere.

How do I create an account?

Important: Access via Google for Education is not available for Lane Community College Library's subscription to NoodleTools at this time.

  1. Go to NoodleTools »  
  2. If you are off-campus you will need to login using your L number and Expresslane password to access NoodleTools.
  3. Click the "Register" link and complete the form.  

    Screenshot of Noodle Tools registration link.
  4. Select "An account linked to a school/library subscription or trial" and complete the form. 

How do I sign in?

  1. Go to NoodleTools » 
  2. If you are off-campus you will need to login using your L number and Expresslane password to access NoodleTools.
  3. Sign in with your NoodleTools personal ID and password that you created when you registered.