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Technical Vocational Programs History

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  1. New programs, title changes, or changes in degrees awarded are listed by year they first appeared in an LCC catalog. The first available catalog is 1967-68. Programs approved prior to that are listed by year approved.
  2. The date in parentheses after the program title is the date when the State Department of Education approved the program. In some instances, this date was not available and the catalog date is used.
  3. The information given in parentheses under the program title is a chronological listing of changes in the program's title and/or types of degrees awarded.


  1. Airframe Mechanics - One-Year Diploma (6-28-64) (Aviation Maintenance Technician, 71-72)
  2. Auto Body and Fender - Two-Year Diploma (6-28-64) (Auto Body and Fender Technology, 76-77; Auto Body and Fender/Auto Painting, 74-75; Automotive Body and Fender/Automotive Painting, 69-70)
  3. Automotive Mechanics - Two-Year Diploma (6-28-64)  (Automotive and Diesel Technology, 70-71)
  4. Business Education - One-Year Diploma (6-28-64) (Business Management, 71-72; Middle Management, 69-70)
  5. Diesel Mechanics - Two-Year Diploma (6-28-64) (Automotive and Diesel Technology, 70-71)
  6. Electronic Engineering Technician - Two-Year Diploma (6-28-64)  (Electronic Engineering Technician - Associate of Science, 67-68)
  7. Eugene Practical Nurse - One-Year Program (6-26-64) (Practical Nursing, 67-68)
  8. Machine Shop - Two-Year Diploma (6-28-64)(Machine Technology, 73-74)
  9. Power Plant Mechanics - One-Year Diploma (6-28-64) (Aviation Maintenance Technician, 71-72)
  10. Radio Communications - Two-Year Diploma (6-28-64) (Students completing both the one-year program in Radio Broadcasting and in Telecasting were eligible for an associate degree in Radio Communications)
  11. Radio and Television Repair - Two-Year Diploma (6-24-64) (Electronics Technician, 80-81; Electronic Service Technician, 72-73; Radio and Television Service, 67-68)
  12. Small Appliance Repair - Two-Year Diploma (6-24-64)  (Appliance-Refrigeration Technician, 72-73; Home Appliance Service, 67-68; Domestic Refrigeration Service, 67-68; Appliance Service, 67-68)
  13. Technical Drafting - Two-Year Diploma (6-28-64) (Deleted option, 78-79; revised to add Machine and Architectural Options, 76-77;Technical Drafting - Two-Year Associate of Science, 69-70)


  1. Data Processing (Business Option) - Two-Year Associate of Science (10-18-66)  (Data Processing - Associate of Science, 67-68; Data Processing Computer Programming/Operations, 71-72)


  1. Appliance Service - Two-Year Associate of Science (10-14-68) (Appliance-Refrigeration Technician, 72-73; Domestic Refrigeration Service 67-68; Home Appliance Service, 67-68; Small Appliance Repair, 64) Students completing both one-year programs of Domestic Refrigeration Service and Home Appliance Service were eligible to receive an Associate of Science degree in Appliance Service.
  2. Bookkeeping/Clerical - Two-Year Associate of Science (5-16-68) (Office Administration Degree Program: Associate Accountant Option, 81-82; Accounting/Clerical, 69-70)
  3. Bookkeeping/Clerical - One-Year Certificate of Completion (8-26-66) (Office Administration Certificate Program: Accounting/Clerk Option, 81-82; Accounting/Clerical, 69-70)
  4. Civil and Structural Engineering Technician - Two-Year Program (67-68)  (Omitted from 70-71 catalog)
  5. Communications Technology - One-Year Program (5-17-67) (Omitted from 68-69, 69-70 catalogs)
  6. Construction Technology - Two-Year Program, no record in files of "approved" program  (67-68) (Construction Technology, 71-72)
  7. Data Processing Associate of Science - Two-Year Associate of Science (12-22-67)
  8. (Data Processing Computer Programming/Operations, 71-72; Data Processing Business Option, 10-18-66)
  9. Dental Assisting - One-Year Certificate of Completion (11-4-66)
  10. Domestic Refrigeration Service - one-Year sequence (67-68) (Appliance-Refrigeration Technician, 72-73; Appliance Service, 67-68; Home Appliance Service, 67-68; Small Appliance Repair, 64)
  11. Electronic Engineering Technician - Two-Year Associate of Science (12-22-67) (Electronic Engineering Technician Two-Year Diploma, 64)
  12. Farm Equipment Service - Two-Year Associate of Science (11-7-66)  (Agricultural and Industrial Equipment Technology, 69-70)
  13. Fire Science - Two-Year Program (1-18-67) (Fire Prevention Technology, 69-70)
  14. Flight Technology - Two-Year Associate of Science (8-17-67) Forestry Aid - Two-Term Certificate of Completion (1-26-67) (Did not appear in any catalog)
  15. Forest Technology - Two-Year Associate-of Science (6-22-66) (Sometimes referred to as Forest Technician)
  16. Home Appliance Service - One-Year Sequence (67-68)  (Appliance-Refrigeration Technician, 72-73; Appliance Service, 67-68; Domestic Refrigeration Service, 67-68; Small Appliance Repair, 64)
  17. Practical Nursing - One-Year Certificate of Completion (4-19-67) (Eugene Practical Nurse, 64)
  18. Radio and Television Service - Two-Year Program (67-68) (Electronics Technician, 80-81; Electronic Service Technician, 72-73; Radio and Television Repair, 64)
  19. Radio Broadcasting I - One-Year Program (67-68)  (Radio Broadcasting, without options, 78-79; Radio Broadcasting: Educational Broadcasting Option, Production Management Option, Technician option, Traffic and Continuity Option, 73-74; Radio Broadcasting Associate Degree, 70-71) Students completing both the one-year program in Radio Broadcasting and in Telecasting were eligible for an Associate Degree in Radio Communications.
  20. Secretarial - One-Year Certificate of Completion (8-28-66) (Office Administration Certificate Program: Secretary Option, 81-82; Office Administration Certificate Program: Basic Secretary Option, 2-18-81)
  21. Telecasting I - One-Year Program (67-68) (Broadcasting/Visual Design and Production, 80-81; Television Broadcasting, without options, 79-80; Television Broadcasting: Educational Broadcasting Option, Production Management Option, Technician Option, Traffic and Continuity Option, 73-74; Television Broadcasting Associate Degree, 70-71.)  Students completing both the one-year program in Telecasting and Radio Broadcasting were eligible for an associate degree in Radio Communications.


  1. Accounting/Clerical - Two-Year Associate of Science (11-17-69) (Office Administration Degree Program. Accounting Clerk Option, 81-82; Bookkeeping/Clerical, 5-16-68)
  2. Accounting/Clerical - One-Year Certificate of Completion (11-17-69) (Office Administration Certificate Program: Accounting Clerk Option, 81-82; Bookkeeping/Clerical, 67-68)
  3. Agricultural and Industrial Equipment Technology - Two-Year Associate of Science, Two-Year Certificate of Completion (69-70) (Farm Equipment Service, 67-68)
  4. Architectural Millwork - One or Two-Year Program (69-70) (Inactivated, 70-71)
  5. Associate Degree Nursing - Two-Year Associate of Science (8-26-68)
  6. Auto Body and Fender/Automotive Painting - Two-Year Associate of Science (8-26-68) (Auto Body and Fender Technology, 76-77; Auto Body and Fender/Auto Painting, 74-75; Auto Body and Fender, 64)
  7. Building Materials Management - Two-Year Associate of Science (69-70)  (Inactivated, 72-73)
  8. Communications Technology - One-Year Program -- Inactivated (Communications Technology, 67-68)
  9. Dental Hygiene - Two-Year Associate of Science (7-29-68).
  10. Fire Prevention Technology - Two-Year Associate of Science (10-14-68) (Fire Science, 67-68)
  11. Inhalation Therapy - Two-Year Associate of Science (7-1-69) (Respiratory Therapy, 74-75)
  12. Keypunch - Listed as a two-term suggested curriculum with no mention of diploma or certificate. (Inactivated, 82-83; approved as Two-Term Certificate of Completion, 11-26-73)
  13. Law Enforcement - Two-Year Associate of Science (10-14-68) (Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement Option, 79-80)
  14. Medical Office Assistant - One-Year Certificate of Completion (3-5-69)
  15. Middle Management - Two-Year Associate of Science-(5-16-68) (Business Management, 71-72; Business Education, 64)
  16. Nursing, Aide - One-Term Program (69-70) (Inactivated, 72-73; Assistant Nursing, 71-72; Nursing, Assistant, 70-71)
  17. Technical Drafting - Two-Year Associate of Science (69-70) (Deleted options, listed Drafting Function Electives and Technical Electives, 78-79; revised to add Machine and Architectural Options, 76-77; Technical Drafting Two-Year Diploma, 64)
  18. Welding Technology - Two-Year Associate of Science (1-25-68) (Only Associate of Science now offered; One-Year Certificate of Completion and One-Term Certificate of Completion, 73-74)


  1. Architectural Millwork - One-Year Program – Inactivated  (Appeared in 69-70 catalog)
  2. Automotive and Diesel Technology - Two-Year Associate of Science, Two-Year Certificate of Completion (70-71)  (Automotive Mechanics, 64; Diesel Mechanics, 64)
  3. Child Care Services - One-Year Certificate of Completion (9-9-69) (Early Childhood Education, 71-72)
  4. Civil and Structural Engineering Technician -Two-Year Program - Inactivated (Appeared in 67-68 catalog)
  5. Clerk Typist - One-Year Certificate of Completion (11-26-69) (Office Administration Certificate Program: Clerical Assistant Option, 81-82; Office Administration Certificate Program: Clerk/Typist option, (2-18-81)
  6. Electronics Technology (Communications) - Two-Year Associate of Science (12-31-69) (Electronics Technician, 80-81; Communications Engineering Technician, 72-73)
  7. Food Technology - One-Year Certificate of Completion (70-71)  (Food Service Management, 74-75; Food Service Supervision, 73-74; Food Management, 71-72; Food Technology, 70-71)
  8. Insurance Adjusters - Two-Year Associate of Science (10-8-69)
  9. Nursing, Assistant - One-Term Program (70-71)  (Inactivated, 72-73; Assistant Nursing, 71-72; Nursing, Aide, 69-70)
  10. Radio Broadcasting - Two-Year Associate of Science (11-13-69) (Radio Broadcasting, without options, 78-79; Radio Broadcasting: Educational Broadcasting Option, Production Management Option, Technician Option, Traffic and Continuity Option, 73-74; Radio Broadcasting One-Year Program, 67-68)
  11. Sales and Marketing - One-Year Certificate of Completion (11-26-69)
  12. Secretarial - Two-Year Associate of Science (11-17-69) (Office Administration Degree Program: Career Secretary Option, 81-82; Professional Secretary, 69-70)
  13. Television Broadcasting - Two-Year Associate of Science (11-13-69) (Broadcasting/Visual Design-and Production, 80-81; Television Broadcasting, without options, 79-80; Television Broadcasting: Educational Broadcasting Option, Production  Management Option, Technician Option, Traffic and Continuity Option, 73-74; Telecasting One-Year Program,  67-68)


  1. Assistant Nursing - One-Term Program (71-72)  (Inactivated, 72-73; Nursing, Assistant, 70-71; Nursing, Aide, 69-70)
  2. Aviation Maintenance Technician - Two-Year Associate of Science, Two-Year Certificate of Completion (1-15-71)  (Airframe Mechanics, 64; Powerplant Mechanics, 64)
  3. Construction Technology - One-Term Certificate of Completion, One-Year Diploma, Two-Year Associate of Science (4-12-71) (Only Two-Year Associate of Science Degree now offered; listed in 1967-68 catalog as "Two-Year Program")
  4. Data Processing Computer Programming/Operations - Two-Year Associate of Science (9-2-70) (Data Processing Associate of Science, 67-68; Data Processing, Business Option, 66)
  5. Early Childhood Education - Two-Year Associate of Science, One-Year Certificate of Completion (9-8-70)  Child Care Services, (70-71)
  6. Environmental Technology - Two-Year Associate of Science (9-21-70)
  7. Food Management - One-Year Certificate of Completion (71-72)  (Food Service Management, 74-75; Food Service Supervision, 73-74; Food Technology, 70-71)
  8. Institutional Food Service Supervision - Two-Year Associate of Science, One-Year Certificate of Completion (9-8-70) (Dietetic Assistant, inactivated, 83-84; Dietetic Assistant, 74-75)
  9. Landscape Development - One-Year Certificate of Completion (9-14-70) (Inactivated, 87-88)


  1. Appliance-Refrigeration Technician - Two-Year Associate of Science (9-22-71) (Appliance Service, 67-68; Domestic Refrigeration Service, 67-68; Home Appliance Service, 67-68, Small Appliance Repair, 64)
  2. Building Materials Management - Two-Year Associate of Science - Inactivated  (Appeared in 69-70 and 70-71 catalogs)
  3. Communications Engineering Technician - Two-Year Associate of Science (9-8-71)  (Electronics Technician, 80-81; Electronics Technology, Communications, 70-71)
  4. Electronic Service Technician - Two-Year Associate of Science (9-22-71) (Electronics Technician, 80-81; Radio and Television Service, 67-68; Radio and Television Repair, 64)
  5. Law Enforcement-Security - Two-Year Associate of Science (9-8-71) (Inactivated 73-74)


  1. Food Service Supervision - Two-Year Associate of Science, One-Year Certificate of Completion (73-74) (Food Service Management, 74-75; Food Management, 71-72; Food Technology, 70-71)
  2. Law Enforcement-Security - Two-Year Associate of Science - Inactivated  (Law Enforcement-Security, 72-73)
  3. Machine Technology - Two-Year Associate of Science, Two-Year Certificate of Completion   (6-29-72) (Machine Shop, 64)
  4. Nursing, Assistant - One-Term Program -- Deleted from catalog (Assistant Nursing, 71-72; Nursing, Assistant, 70-71; Nursing, Aide, 69-70)
  5. Radio Broadcasting: Educational Broadcasting Option, Production Management Option, Technician Option, Traffic and Continuity Option - Two-Year Associate of Science (8-28-72) (Radio Broadcasting, without options, 78-79; Radio Broadcasting Associate Degree, 70-71; Radio Broadcasting One-Year Program, 67-68')
  6. Real Estate Management - Two-Year Associate of Science (9-18-72) (Real Estate, 77-78)
  7. Security and Loss Prevention - Two-Year Associate of Science (9-12-72) (Criminal Justice: Security Option, 79-80)
  8. Television Broadcasting: Educational Broadcasting Option, Production Management Option, Technician Option, Traffic and Continuity Option - Two-Year Associate of Science (8-28-72) (Broadcasting/Visual Design and Production, 80-81; Television Broadcasting,  without options, 79-80; Television Broadcasting Associate Degree, 70-71; Telecasting One-Year Program, 67-68)
  9. Welding Technology - One-Year Certificate of Completion, One-Term Certificate of Completion (12-5-72) (Only Associate of Science now offered; Two-Year Associate of Science, 69-70)


  1. Auto Body and Fender/Auto Painting - Two-Year Associate of Science, One-Year Certificate of Completion (7-11-74) (Auto Body and Fender Technology, 76-77; Automotive Body and Fender/Automotive Painting, 69-70; Auto Body and Fender, 64)
  2. Criminal Justice Administration - Two-Year Associate of Science (74-75) (Criminal Justice, without option, 81-82; Criminal Justice: Corrections Option, Security Option, Public Safety Specialist Option, Law Enforcement Option, 79-80)
  3. Dietetic Assistant - Two-Year Associate of Science, One-Year Certificate of Completion (1-18-74) (Inactivated, 83-84; Institutional Food Service Supervision, 1-72)
  4. Food Service Management - Two-Year Associate of Science, One-Year Certificate of Completion (6-26-74) (Food Service Supervision, 73-74; Food Management 71-72; Food Technology, 70-71)
  5. Legal Assistant - Two-Year Associate of Science (4-27-74) (Inactivated 83-84)
  6. Respiratory Therapy - Two-Year Associate of Science (1-28-74)  (Inhalation Therapy, 69-70)


  1. Auto Body and Fender Technology - Two-Year Associate of Science, One-Year Certificate of Completion (8-5-75) (Auto Body and Fender/Auto Painting, 74-75; Automotive Body and Fender/Automotive Painting, 69-70; Auto Body and Fender, 64) MA one-year certificate of completion may be earned in either Auto Metals or Auto Paint.
  2. Banking and Finance - Two-Year Associate of Science (11-18-75)
  3. Technical Drafting: Machine option and Architectural Option - Two-Year Associate of Science (6-19-75) (Technical Drafting - deleted options, listed Drafting Function Electives and Technical Electives, 78-79; Technical Drafting Associate of Science, 69-70; Technical Drafting Two-Year Diploma, 64)


  1. Community Service - Two-Year Associate of Science (12-15-76) (Inactivated, 83-84)
  2. Institutional Food Preparation - One-Year Certificate of Completion (77-78) (Inactivated, 78-79)
  3. Real Estate - Two-Year Associate of Science (11-17-76) (Real Estate Management, 73-74)
  4. Real Estate Certificate of Completion - One-Year Certificate of Completion (4-24-78)
  5. Senior Real Estate Certificate of Completion - Two-Year Associate of Science (4-24-78) (Inactivated, 82-83)


  1. Business Management: General Aviation Management Option - Two-Year Associate of Science (12-22-77) (Inactivated, 11-18-82)
  2. Institutional Food Preparation - One-Year Certificate of Completion (77-78) (Inactivated) (Institutional Food Preparation, 77-78)
  3. Radio Broadcasting, without options - Two-Year Associate of Science (11-17-77) (Radio Broadcasting: Educational Broadcasting option, Production Management Option, Technician option, Traffic and Continuity Option, 73-74; Radio Broadcasting Associate Degree, 70-71; Radio Broadcasting One-Year Program, 67-68)
  4. Technical Drafting with Drafting Function Electives and Technical Electives - Two-Year Associate of  Science (78-79) (Technical Drafting: Machine Option and Architectural Option, 76-77; Technical Drafting Two-Year Associate of Science, 69-70; Technical Drafting Two-Year Diploma, 64)


  1. Criminal Justice- Two-Year Associate of Science with the following options:
    1. Corrections Option (10-3-78)
    2. Public Safety Option (10-3-78)
    3. Security Option (7-17-78) (Security and Loss Prevention, 73-74)
    4. Law Enforcement Option (7-17-78) (Law Enforcement Program, 69-70) (Criminal Justice without options, 81-82; Criminal Justice Administration, 74-75)
  2. Secretarial Science: Legal Option - Two-Year Associate of Science (4-14-78) (Office Administration Degree Program: Legal Secretary Option, 81-82)
  3. Secretarial Science: Lumber Option - Two-Year Associate of Science (4-14-78) (Inactivated, 11-18-82; Office Administration Degree Program: Timber Products Option, 81-82; Office Administration Degree Program: Lumber Secretary Option, 2-18-81)
  4. Television Broadcasting without options - Two-Year Associate of Science (3-29-78)             (Broadcasting/Visual Design and Production, 80-81; Television Broadcasting: Educational     Broadcasting Option, Production Management Option, Technician Option, Traffic and             Continuity Option, 73-74; Television Broadcasting Associate Degree, 70-71; Telecasting         One-Year Program, 67-68)


  1. Broadcasting/Visual Design and Production - Two-Year Associate of Science (12-7-79) (Television Broadcasting without options, 79-80; Television Broadcasting: Educational Broadcasting Option, Production Management Option, Technician Option, Traffic and Continuity Option, 73-74; Television Broadcasting Associate Degree, 70-71; Telecasting One-Year Program, 67-68)
  2. Community Service - One-Year Certificate of Completion (10-25-79)  (Inactivated, 83-84)
  3. Electronics Technician - Two-Year Associate of Science (6-25-79) (Communications Engineering Technician*, 72-73; Electronics Technology, Communications, 70-71; Electronic Service Technician*, 72-71; Radio and Television Service, 67-68; Radio and Television Repair, 64)   * Two major programs combined to form Electronics Technician.
  4. Real Estate Certificate of Completion: Brokerage Option - One-Year Certificate of Completion (7-12-79)  (Inactivated, 82-83)
  5. Real Estate Certificate of Completion: Escrow Option - One-Year Certificate of Completion (7-12-79)  (Inactivated, 82-83)


  1. Criminal Justice - Two-Year Associate of Science, with options deleted (7-20-81) (Criminal Justice: Corrections Option, Security Option, Public Safety Option, Law Enforcement Option, 79-80; Criminal Justice Administration, 74-75)
  2. Energy Management Technician - Two-Year Associate of Science (6-27-80)
  3. Food Service Management: Professional Restaurant and Hotel Cooking Option - Two-Year  Associate of Science (9-19-80)
  4. Office Administration Certificate Program: Accounting Clerk Option - One-Year Certificate of Completion (2-18-81) (Accounting/Clerical, 69-70; Bookkeeping/Clerical, 67-68)
  5. Office Administration Certificate Program: Clerical Assistant Option - One-Year Certificate of Completion (6-15-81) (Office Administration Certificate Program: Clerk/Typist Option, 2-18-81; Clerk-Typist, 70-71)
  6. Office Administration Certificate Program: Secretary Option - One-Year Certificate of Completion (6-15-81)  (Office Administration Certificate Program: Basic Secretary Option, 2-18-81; Secretarial, 7-68)
  7. Office Administration Certificate Program: Word Processing Specialist Option - One-Year Certificate of Completion (1-16-81)
  8. Office Administration Degree Program: Associate Accountant Option - Two-Year Associate of Science (2-18-81) (Accounting/Clerical, 69-70; Bookkeeping/Clerical, 67-68)
  9. Office Administration Degree Program: Career Secretary Option (2-18-81) (Secretarial, 70-71; Professional Secretary, 69-70)
  10. Office Administration Degree Program: Legal Secretary Option - Two-Year Associate of Science (2-18-81) (Secretarial Science-Legal Option, 79-80)
  11. Office Administration Degree Program: Timber Products Option - Two-Year Associate of Science (9-19-81) (Inactivated, 83-84; Office Administration Degree Program: Lumber Secretary Option, 2-18-81; Secretarial Science: Lumber Option, 79-80)
  12. Real Estate Certificate of Completion: Appraisal Option - One-Year Certificate of Completion (2-21-80)  (Inactivated, 82-83)
  13. Residential Energy Analyst - One-Year Certificate of Completion (6-27-80)


  1. Keypunch - Two-Term Certificate of Completion -- Inactivated (Approved 11-26-73; appeared in 69-70 catalog as suggested curriculum)
  2. Real Estate Certificate of Completion: Appraisal Option - One-Year Certificate of Completion -- Inactivated (Real Estate Certificate of Completion: Appraisal Option, 81-82)
  3. Real Estate Certificate of Completion: Brokerage Option - One-Year Certificate of Completion --  Inactivated (Real Estate Certificate of Completion: Brokerage Option, 80-81)
  4. Real Estate Certificate of Completion: Escrow Option - One-Year Certificate of Completion --  Inactivated (Real Estate Certificate of Completion: Escrow Option, 80-81)


  1. Business Management: General Aviation Management - Two-Year Associate of Science --  Inactivated  (Business Management: General Aviation Management, 78-79)
  2. Community Service - Two-Year Associate of Science – Inactivated (Community Service, 77-78)
  3. Community Service - One-Year Certificate of Completion – Inactivated (Community Service, 80-81)
  4. Dietetic Assistant - Two-Year Associate of Science, One-Year Certificate of Completion --  Inactivated  (Dietetic Assistant, 74-75; Institutional Food Service Supervision, 71-72)
  5. Legal Assistant - Two-Year Associate of Science – Inactivated (Legal Assistant, 74-75)
  6. Office Administration Degree Program: Timber Products Option - Two-Year Associate of Science -- Inactivated  (Office Administration Degree Program: Lumber Secretary Option, 82-83; Secretarial Science- Lumber Option, 79-80)


  1. Office Administration Degree Program: Integrated Office Systems Option - Two-Year Associate of  Science (7-19-83)


  1. Microcomputer Information Systems - One-Year Certificate of Completion (6-12-84)


  1. Office Administration Certificate Program: Word Processing Specialist Option - One-year Certificate of Completion -- Inactivated
  2. Office Administration Degree Program: Integrated Office Systems Option -- Two-Year Associate of Science Degree - Inactivated
  3. Office Administration Degree Program: Career Secretary Option - Two- Year Associate of Science Degree - Inactivated
  4. Office Administration Degree Program: Professional Secretary Option - Two-Year Associate of  Applied Science Degree (11-18-85) (Course work was taken from OADP: Integrated Office Systems Option and OADP: Career Secretary Option to form the Professional Secretary Option.)
  5. Culinary, Food Service and Hospitality - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree; One-Year Certificate of Completion (7-31-86)  (Title change from Food Service Management)
  6. Culinary, Food Service and Hospitality: Culinary Option - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree (7-31-86) (Title change from Food Service Management: Professional Restaurant and Hotel Cooking option)
  7. Respiratory Care - Two-Year Associate of Science (7-31-86) (Title change from Respiratory Therapy)


  1. Early Childhood Education: Nanny Option - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree;  One-Year Certificate of Completion (12-16- 86)
  2. Landscape Development - One-Year Certificate of Completion -- Inactivated
  3. Auto Body and Fender Technology - One-Year Certificate of Completion -- Inactivated
  4. Auto Body and Fender Technology - Two-Year Certificate of Completion (7-03-86) (Replaces the one-year certificate; the Associate of Applied Science Degree has been retained for this program.)
  5. Manufacturing Technology - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree; Two-year Certificate of Completion (7-03-86)  (Title Change from Machine Technology)


  1. Industrial Maintenance - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree (7-15-87) (Title change from Appliance Refrigeration Technician)
  2. Energy Management Technician - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree (Not accepting new students at this time)
  3. Environmental Technology - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree (Not accepting new students at this time)
  4. Forest Technology - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree (Not accepting new students at this time)
  5. Residential Energy Analyst - One-Year Certificate of Completion (Not accepting new students)
  6. Insurance Adjusting  - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree -- Inactivated.


  1. Graphic Design - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree; Two Year Certificate of Completion (1-30-89).
  2. Health Records Technology - One-Year Certificate of Completion


  1. Hospitality Management - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree


  1. Auto Body and Fender Technology - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree: Auto Paint Option
  2. Auto Body and Fender Technology - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree: Auto Collision Option
  3. Cabinetmaking - One-Year Certification of Completion
  4. Manufacturing Technology - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree: Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Technician Option
  5. Recreational Vehicle Service Technician - One-Year Certificate Completion


  1. Chemical Dependency Counselor Training Program - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Program
  2. Energy Management Technician - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Program (Reinstated program)
  3. Short-Term Office Assistant: Fast Lane Option - Six Month Certificate of Completion Program


  1. Cabinetmaking - One-Year Certificate of Completion—Inactivated
  2. Construction Technology - One-Year Certificate of Completion; Two-Year Certificate of Completion (added)


No changes


No changes


  1. Avionics Technician - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree, Two-Year Certificate of Completion, One-Year Certificate of Completion.


  1. Basic Police Training - One-Year Certificate of Completion
  2. Emergency Medical Technician: Paramedic - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree
  3. Emergency Medical Technician - One-Year Certificate of Completion
  4. Multimedia Design & Production - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree
  5. Administration: Supervision - One-Year Certificate of Completion


  1. Apprenticeship Trades - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Program Apprenticeship Trades
  2. Fitness Technician - One-Year Certificate of Completion
  3. Fitness Specialist - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree, Two-Year Certificate of Completion
  4. Hospitality Management - One-Year Certificate of Completion
  5. Occupational Skills - One-Year Certificate of Completion


No Changes


  1. Health Information Technology - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree


  1. Recreational Vehicle Service Technician - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Degree


  1. Employment Skills - One-Year Certificate of Completion
  2. Renewable Energy Technician - Two-Year Associate of Applied Science: Energy Management Technician Option