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Database Searching

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LCC Library provides access to many electronic databases as part of its reference services. This policy is intended to provide the fairest and broadest access to these services for our patrons, consistent with efficient use of the resource.

1. LCC Library undertakes to make database searching freely and equally available to all LCC students, staff, and public patrons.

2. Electronic database searching is free of charge to LCC students, staff, and public patrons.

3. Any search for which LCC Library incurs a database searching charge shall be performed by designated Library staff only. Searches which are free or which incur a minimal charge may be performed by the patron.

4. LCC Library may, at the discretion of the Library Director, perform database searching for outside organizations, businesses, and individuals. These patrons must be a resident or based in the LCC service area. LCC Library reserves the right to regulate the volume of such searches and to charge a reasonable fee to recover costs.

5. LCC Library reserves the right to regulate database searching to ensure efficient and economical use of the resource, consistent with the best possible service to students, staff, and public patrons.