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Website Editing

Logging In

  • Log in using the "Staff Login" link in the footer.
  • The library website uses the same CAS login as other campus services. No separate login/password is required.
  • Before you can log in, an administrator must create a Drupal account for you. In most cases this will be done for all new hires.


  • Authenticated Users (staff who do not need to edit the website) have permission to edit their own staff profile page.
  • Content Editors (Librarians and staff with a role that requires website editing) have permission to edit most webpages on the site and can create content of types Alert, Inklings, and Spotlight. 
  • Administrators (Library Systems Analyst and IT) can create new users and any new content.

Basic Editing

After logging in, open edit mode by clicking the "Edit" button at the bottom of the screen.

Edit selector screenshot

Note that some pages, such as the homepage and landing pages will also have a "Layout" option. If the Layout option is available in this menu, only Administrators will be able to edit the page.

Editing in Drupal 9 uses a edit bar with basic controls that should be familiar to you. A few of these controls require additional explanation.

Drupal editor controls screenshot
  1. Headings. The Headings drop-down allows you to choose between heading levels. Paragraph is the default for all types of body text, bullets, etc. Heading 1 is reserved for the title of the page and is therefor not available in the drop-down. Heading 2 should be used for most subdivisions in your text. Heading 3 should be used sparingly. Heading 4-6 are unavailable. If you feel that your content requires further subdivisions beyond Heading 3, consider revising your text. Note that a table of contents will be created automatically where there are 5 or more Heading 2 sections.
  2. Styles. Styles are created by Drupal administrators to allow extra emphasis for certain body and heading texts. Styles available will vary depending on the selected Heading (Paragraph, Heading 2, Heading 3). If you would like a new style, contact your Drupal administrator. The following styles are currently available:
    • P no line breaks (line  will never wrap even if it is really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, long)

    • P Button    (Add a link, select the link and choose P Button style)

  3. Media. Allows you to add images, video, streaming video, and PDF or Word documents. You can either select from existing options or upload something.
    • You do not normally need to resize images before uploading. The uploader will automatically create several sizes of the image.
    • Either select an existing piece of media, or click "Browse" to upload a new media item from your computer. Choose "Insert Selected" to add the media item to your page.
    • You will be required to add an Alt text which will replace the image when read by a screen reader. How to write good Alt text.
    • After inserting an image, click on it and an additional menu bar will appear allowing you to select the size, text wrapping and add a image link. The size drop-down has three options:
      • Default. The image will appear at its actual size, up to a maximum of 480px.
      • Small.  The image will appear at its actual size, up to a maximum of 200px.
      • Wide. The image will appear the full width of the column of text.
    • Streaming video can be added from either YouTube or Vimeo. 

Adding Content

From the admin menu choose Content>Add Content>[Type of Content]

  • Spotlights have a specific instructions available.
  • Alerts are something you saw a lot of during the pandemic - a banner running across the top of every page on the site warning of service interruptions. They should only be used for unexpected changes to library hours or major system outages, such as the catalog. The title of the alert is what will show up on every page. Keep these very short - one sentence of 10 words or so. If you have more details that need to be shared, put them in the body of the alert. Adding body text will cause a "Read more" link to appear with the title sentence that links to a page with the body content. I'm guessing very few people will click through to the body content, so try to avoid using this feature if possible.
  • Inklings. Title should be the issue date (e.g. Spring 2023), Table of Contents should be a bulleted list of contents, and then attach the pdf file.